Our approach

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We use a strategic, systems-level approach to philanthropic giving and investment.

  • We look for and act on opportunities that can catalyse significant change. 

  • We collaborate with others (individuals, companies, organisations) and wholeheartedly seek to continue learning and growing.

  • We accept the nature of risk and take a long term view – investing in innovative ideas and passionate people who are committed to tackling the root cause/s of significant issues.

  • We believe that the market has a significant role to play in accelerating change, so we seek to invest in these opportunities where possible.

Our current impact focus areas

  • Climate change currently presents one of the greatest threats to human flourishing in Aotearoa New Zealand. Our current focus areas are:

    – Building awareness of key issues and increasing influence to create change
    – Supporting policy advocacy and investing in significant research

  • We want to see all New Zealanders given the opportunity to flourish. We target and support initiatives that will bring about significant change and wellbeing improvement in areas where systemic disadvantage and marginalisation are prevalent. Our current focus areas are:

    – Supporting young people and mental health outcomes
    – Enhancing the mana of our national cultural heritage and taonga
    – Supporting the volunteer and community sector
    – Responding to significant and sudden crises that impact people and communities

  • We support creative entrepreneurs and innovators who are enabling transformational social change, economic growth and wellbeing through business ventures. Our current focus areas are:

    – Early stage and ground-breaking technology that helps develop a lower emission economy and economic prosperity
    – Impact-focused capital investments that support community and environmental outcomes, along with sustainable revenue opportunities.

Photo: Pohutukawa, Northland – Project Kahurangi