Our people

Whakatupu Aotearoa Foundation was founded by Ian and Wendy Kuperus in 2020 when they decided to commit 100% of the profits from their business, Tax Management New Zealand (TMNZ), to the Foundation.

As long-time philanthropists with an entrepreneurial outlook, it makes sense that the Foundation should take a catalytic approach to projects and ideas that could bring about system change for the environment and communities of Aotearoa.

  • When Ian invented tax pooling in Aotearoa, and started TMNZ as a business, it changed the landscape for tax payments. It made things easier, saved people money, helped business make their tax payments on time and with flexibility. That was over 20 years ago, and the business continues to innovate to meet customers’ tax needs. Now, with all TMNZ’s profit reinvested for good, we’re able to give our funded partners the help and investment they need to create system change for a better Aotearoa. We do this as venture philanthropists, backing people and initiatives that have the potential to deliver significant and lasting change for our environment and communities. We walk alongside them, connecting them to the people and skills that can help them succeed. We’re part of their extended whānau because we were often with them early on. We take on risk and provide the nurture so initiatives can grow – we see this as a key contribution philanthropy can make. 

    We collaborate with others in the philanthropic sector to share our learnings, form ideas and work together on topics such as ocean protection, youth mental health, and carbon sequestration opportunities. When we see potential, we share it with those who have the experience, skills, funds or connections to realise that potential, faster and for the greatest impact.

Our Board

  • Tainui te waka. Ngaati Paaoa ki Waiheke, Tāmaki Makaurau, Hauraki, Waikato. Ngati Hine, Ngati Naho o Waikato, Ngati Rangimahora, Ngaati Apakura ooku tuupuna kuia.

    Having walked alongside Whakatupu Aotearoa Foundation throughout 2023, Glen officially joined as a Trustee in late 2023. He holds extensive governance experience having been Chairperson and Trustee of The Ngati Pāoa Trust, Trustee for Hauraki Māori Trust Board, Trustee for Pare Hauraki Fishing Trust and Trustee for Te Runanga o Kirikiriroa / Nga Rau Tatangi – Maori Housing Foundation.

    Currently, Glen is the Hauraki representative for Waikato District Health Board Iwi Māori Council, Chair Ngaa Muka Development Trust (Cluster of northern Waikato under the Waikato Tainui marae), Deputy Chair of Te Korowai Hauora o Hauraki Board and Deputy Chair Hauraki PHO, and Trustee for Ecoquest Education Foundation PTE.

    Glen is Director of Winton Lands Ltd. He holds a Graduate Diploma in Business Studies from Massey University, has completed the NZ Institute of Directors Certificate and RMA Commissioners training.

  • Ian is a founding director of Tax Management New Zealand (TMNZ), the world's first tax intermediary, and is also an active investor in several engineering and technology start-up ventures. He is passionate about giving back to the community and has been a long-time supporter of many charities working with disadvantaged people in Aotearoa and around the world.

    Wendy was raised in rural New Zealand, where the importance of family, hospitality and being resourceful was essential. Wendy’s early career in nursing deepened her beliefs around valuing people, community and connection. Wendy is actively involved in a number of community organisations that support families, children and young people to grow and flourish in their homes and communities.

    Wendy and Ian have four adult children and are also grandparents, roles which have highlighted the importance of the early development years for children, along with the increasing pressures whanau are facing today in Aotearoa.

    “It has been a humbling journey working with so many change makers in Aotearoa. We want to walk alongside and support their work so that future generations and our most marginalised communities can benefit from these. The work of these exceptional people gives us such inspiration”.

  • Geof has leadership and governance experience in professional services and the tertiary sector. He is a Fellow of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand and has been a professional advisor for 36 years including 17 years as partner at PwC New Zealand.

    Geof has a deep interest in public policy and in particular tax policy and has previously served as chair of the Tax Advisory Group of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, as a member of the 2009 and 2019 Tax Working Groups, and as a member of the Commissioner of Inland Revenue’s Business Transformation Reference Group.

    Like Ian and Wendy, Geof believes that there’s more we can do to make Aotearoa a better place now and in the future.

    “I’m excited and grateful for the opportunity to try and help Ian and Wendy Kuperus realise their contribution to Aotearoa through the Whakatupu Aotearoa Foundation.”

  • For close to four decades, David has been a lawyer specialising in tax, trust and charity law, advising a wide range of clients. He and his wife have over 10 years’ of ‘flax-roots’ experience, serving vulnerable individuals and communities in a high-deprivation urban area.

    David is passionate about and committed to improving the lives of New Zealanders through his experience in governance roles, principally in the charity sector.

    “I’m hugely excited to be involved with Whakatupu Aotearoa Foundation as it grapples with the key issues of environmental and socio-economic sustainability.”

Our Staff

  • Carl has worked with TMNZ founders Ian and Wendy for a number of years, and was part of establishing the Whakatupu Aotearoa Foundation in 2020.

    Before moving into the non-profit sector, Carl worked for many years in the commercial sector in marketing and communications. His learnings there were huge – especially in the areas of climate change where he developed a much deeper appreciation of both the issues and opportunities that New Zealand faces.

    Carl lives in Auckland with his wife, and has four young sons.

    “I am hugely passionate about New Zealand and the opportunities we have to foster the kind of future I wish for my children. We have an abundance of natural assets and a culture that can support flourishing communities. However we have a lot of work to do to realise this future and it is an honour to be able to play our role in helping to make this a reality.”

  • Yii spent the majority of her career in the commercial corporate sector (in business development, strategic management and marketing) before making the shift to the ‘for-purpose sector’.

    Yii has three kids and a husband ‘who’s first love is tramping and nature’. As a family, they thrive on getting outdoors and having adventures in nature. Yii hopes that her work within the foundation will help ensure that this continues for generations to come.

    She is driven by a strong passion to find solutions to the challenges and opportunities that Aotearoa faces.

    “I have always wanted to be in a career that gives me the opportunity to make a difference. The opportunity to work within the foundation enables me to do that, way more than I could ever imagine.”

  • Beth has been connecting people to environmental and social topics for over 20 years.

    Her career covers media, public affairs, communications and marketing, across the private, public and non-profit sectors. From large multinational companies to local communities, Beth has gained perspectives from all along the way.

    Family life is balanced with volunteer commitments in the Hauraki Gulf, as Beth is Chair of her community arts centre and gives time as a volunteer diver with a local marine project. The mahi of the Foundation blends neatly with Beth’s personal and professional values.

    “Communications folk aren’t always about the talk. I believe it’s in the listening that the magic starts. Gathering to hear a need and seeking solutions together creates meaningful and lasting impact. Aotearoa has a big journey ahead to empower environmental and social change and it is a privilege to be taking this on with the Foundation.”

Photo: Auckland Climate Festival 2023 Waka Ama – MCrawford